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Ford F-150 (2017-2020) Class Action Lawsuit Over 10-Speed Automatic Transmission Defects

Current or former owners of Model Year 2017-2020 Ford F-150 vehicles equipped with the 10R80, a 10-speed automatic transmission, need to pay attention to their rights. Current or former owners of these vehicles should be aware that the California lemon law and other state and federal laws may force Ford to either “buy the vehicle back,” or provide other important compensation if these vehicles exhibit a defect in the transmission.

That can mean a large cash refund and payoff of your loan or lease. This could be as much as everything you paid for the vehicle and everything you owe: monthly payments, down payments, tax, finance charges, license, registration, etc. In fact, you could even qualify for two times your money back, depending on the circumstances. There is a formula in the law, that starts with you getting all your money back and then taking certain deductions and exclusions away from your payment. Those refunds and exclusions are difficult to understand and can be fought against by knowledgeable consumer attorneys.

According to the Complaint filed over this issue on behalf of owners and lessees of these vehicles, they contain defects in the 10R80 transmission, a 10-speed automatic transmission. This alleged defect “can cause the transmission to shift harshly and erratically, causing the vehicle to jerk, lunge, and hesitate between gears”.

The lawsuit alleges and consumers have reported that the transmissions in these vehicles also can exhibit the following symptoms:


For many people, a class action may provide significant benefits and does not require much effort to participate if that case is settled. It also comes with no risk, as the claims have been resolved. But for others, particularly where they may have had multiple repairs to or complaints about the alleged defect pursuing individual claims may provide them an opportunity to receive a better recovery, in a shorter period of time, but with no guarantee, they will get anything in a settlement.

When it comes to vehicle claims, what to do can be a complex decision, as it can depend on many factors, such as:


Originally Written by

John Hanson, Esq.


January 22, 2022